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men in support worker boxing gender ratio care sector male carers men care assistant

We believe the representation in our workforce should be a direct reflection of the people we support.

Currently, close to 3 in 10 people who work at Lifeways are men. We’ve got a view to increase that number considerably in 2021.

This is why we want to invite men to be part of Lifeways. Careers in support with Lifeways offer a huge number of benefits.

These benefits include:

  • job security
  • a sense of purpose,
  • the ability to make a difference. 

Now, time to see if a career in support could compliment your career!

We interviewed some of our colleagues from all across the UK on the importance of men seeking careers in support.

Check out our interviews below:

James’ story:

 “I used to support someone by going to watch rugby matches because I was a very keen rugby player,” said James Brind, Area Manager for Leicestershire and Leicester City. James tells us why men should seek a career in care and some of the activities involved in the job.

Starting his working life as an aerospace engineer and apprentice, James spent most of his time in a factory – a setting he believed wasn’t for him. So he made the brave and difficult decision to leave his current career path and pursue other options.

These options led to him joining Lifeways team in 2017. He joined from a recommendation from a friend, who’s now a fellow colleague. As an Area Manager, James oversees the operational efficiency and quality of the support that is provided across his region.

It’s James’ job to deliver the best support and extraordinary care for people with complex and diverse needs, to ensure they live a fulfilling and independent life. He is now responsible for over 400 colleagues, and over 10,000 hours of support.

Watch James’ interview:

Jon’s story:

Jon Billings, Recruitment Operations Manager for Lifeways, is a big believer in the importance of gender equality within support. “It’s important to get the gender balance right to match the gender of the people we support, who would feel more comfortable with a Support Worker of the same gender, particularly when receiving support with personal care.

“Getting the right gender balance would allow us to provide even better quality service. At Lifeways, we have great career progression opportunities and will invest in training for you.

“Support really is a fantastic industry for personal development. Plus, the industry is robust and pretty much recession-proof, so it’s a secure option for anyone.

“When hiring colleagues, I don’t look for the experience they have but their values and attitude, so my advice would be to just give it a go.

Watch Jon’s interview:

Craig’s story:

“The advice given to me in school was to work with the community, and the perfect way to do this was in support,” says Craig Taylor, a Registered Manager at Lifeways.

Craig started working for Lifeways back in 2010, at the age of 19. With no prior support experience after working in a supermarket, he was hired as a Support Worker. He held the role for 7 years.

During this time, he gained invaluable life experience by working in a service with individuals, which he found amazing.

Craig’s main focus within his role is to ensure that the individuals supported by Lifeways receive exceptional and person-centred support. He oversees the management and the quality of Lifeways’ services.

Watch Craig’s interview:

Sebastian’s story:

“Men should apply, it’s incredibly rewarding,” says Lifeways Service Manager Sebastian Leong.

Over 11 years ago Sebastian Leong was working as a qualified chef. During his culinary career, he was lucky enough to go to the Birmingham College of Food and even cook abroad.

But when his son started school, Sebastian was certain he didn’t want to miss any of the big milestones in his son’s life.

That’s why he decided he needed to make a big career change. So he found Lifeways. He didn’t have any experience in the support sector but through our training and development opportunities, he was able to get to where he is today.

Watch Sebastian’s interview:

Declan’s story:

At Lifeways “there is a high demand for a male presence,” says Declan Smith, a Scheme Manager at Lifeways.

Declan has always worked in the social care sector - even though this wasn’t his original plan.

His first role was as a Care Assistant supporting individuals living with dementia and Alzheimer’s in a residential home.

He then saw an opportunity to support and manage one of Lifeways’ brand-new supported living services for individuals living with autism, learning disabilities, and/or acquired brain injury. 

He has now been working here at Lifeways since April 2018.

As a Lifeways Scheme Manager, his average day can vary, from the most challenging situation to the most rewarding situation. The main aspect of his role is ensuring the people we support are safe and supported.

Watch Declan’s interview:


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